
Electrical engineering services

Electrical engineering and installation company specialised in offering comprehensive services focused on the rationalisation of energy use. 

Argi On Electric …

It is a company whose field of work is electrical engineering and assembly, specialising in offering a comprehensive service in the domestic, industrial and public sectors, focused on rationalising the use of energy.

It has staff with extensive experience in all types of installations, providing a service backed by both technical installers (electricians) who carry out these installations and engineers who design and supervise the works.

It carries out customised studies and designs in accordance with the client’s needs for maximum efficiency, reliability and safety of the electrical systems studied and/or designed.

It helps you to reduce your energy consumption by rationalising and optimising it through the development and implementation of an energy efficiency programme. 


To be a benchmark company, responsible, efficient and committed to the environment in the field of electrical engineering, providing efficient and innovative solutions in the market.


Customer satisfaction. From the solutions adopted to the quality and technologies applied and implemented. Commitment, dedication and involvement in the client's project, with specific advice. Research and innovation, to improve projects and minimise costs. Efficiency in the management of economic, human and technological resources. Respect for people and the environment. Promotion of sustainable development and energy efficiency.

Renewable Energies (RES)

Energy for the future of your home and business

For the home...

  • Installations solar photovoltaic for the production of electricity: self-consumption, self-consumption with compensation, with accumulators…
  • Solar thermal installations for the extraction of heat from solar radiation and ambient temperature. 

For Industry...

  • Installations solar photovoltaic for the production of electricity: self-consumption, self-consumption with compensation, with accumulators… 

Domestic and Communities

Solutions to the energy needs of the home. Sustainability, well-being and savings. 

Electrical Engineering

Electrical Installer

Industrial and public premises

Argi On Electric offers industrial companies, offices, commercial premises and meeting or entertainment venues a comprehensive service, aimed at covering all their needs.

Electrical Engineering

Electrical Installer

Integral Engineering

In addition to our electrical engineering and installation services, we offer other services for companies 

Temporary Installations

Electrical Engineering

Projects, reports and certificates for temporary installations:

Documentation for temporary electrical installations (markets, fairs, txosnas, outdoor lighting, etc.). 

Electrical Installer

Assembly of temporary installations (markets, fairs, concerts, txosnas, etc.).
Electrical Installation Certificates (CIE – Bulletin) – Authorised Installation Company 48/EIBT/1406 

ArgiOn Cycling Team

Argi On supports sport by sponsoring a cycling team.


If you would like to receive more information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to send us the following form and we will contact you as soon as possible. 

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